'The other Universe' - an ode to the woman

Published By: 
The Navhind Times
Dated On: 
8th November 2018
The Other Universe

Aadhi Vishal is a freelance visual artist with based in Goa. He has had several solo and group shows and art auctions in India and abroad. He has had the honour of exhibiting his works alongside great masters like MF Hussain and SH Raza; his works also adorn walls at several private collectors and museums all over the world.

Aadhi's paintings embody and celebrate the important role of a woman in society'. He depicts the contemporary woman form that transcends race and religion. His works are often described as phantasmagoric, where symbols, hybrid and stylised forms add interesting twists. He transforms narrative stories into pieces of art.

As Goa in rich in natural as well as cultural forms, it has ben Aadhi's endeavour to project the motifs that enhance 00th the work as well as the region. "I want to experiment with the Use of material and investigate new artistic forms to express a complex and intricate *stem of ideas I enjoy' seeing an image take form and transform It allows the viewer to transcend the mundane. Modernity in India will render many rural emblems obsolete," he says.

Through his art he attempts to show cross cultural connections with local symbolism. Here, these compositional elements appear in the surreal world created within the canvas which he hopes will leave memories in the viewer's mind to bring social change like environmental preservation, respect to women and all beings.

"Many of my paintings embody and celebrate the important role of a woman in society. I want to depict modern contemporary women from different races or origins - as Goa has become home to people of many nations and quite multicultural. Creation begins and ends with her," Vishal sys before adding that these compositional elements appear in the surreal world created within the canvas.

In his paintings the icon becomes central where the woman represents the universe and mother earth, where she could disguise herself as either a mythical goddess or a contemporary woman as he attempts to dissolve the borders between the two. The centralised iconic image of a beautiful woman in Aadhig works metaphorically stands in for the creative inspiration. “She is a divine presence who masquerades as several characters," he says.

Aadhi who looks at the Goan society and the spectacular scenes finds their critical representations in the various guises of this iconic young woman' in his works. He hopes that his works will help bring social change like gender equality, preserving of the environment

(The exhibition will be to public viewing from November 11 to November 21 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.)

Recurring Events

Join us every Friday and have fun creating art With Meenu Goyal!


Every Friday

11 am - 12:30 pm

Rs. 850/- (inclusive of all materials)


What a session can cover: Drawing / Sketching / Painting

Various medium: Use of Watercolours / Acrylics / Oils

To register please click the link below:



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